Wiser Model Approach: Business Process Change in Universities

Hartini Ahmad

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About this book

This book intends to provide the readers with the fundamentals of business process change (BPC) and how BPC can be applied to the processes and culture that are inherent in the universities. The concepts and principles highlighted in the book will give further understanding on the organisational change area. The information shared in this book represents concepts, practised, issues and challenges in various changes projects. The book examines the connection of business process reengineering (BPR), Total Quality Management (TQM) and learning organisation (LO). The readers will be exposed to the BPC concepts, strategies and directions for implementation and successful monitoring in the university environment. The book provides the evidence-based practice implementation case studies case evidences on the recent successes in applying BPC in the universities. The book gives readers a comprehensive guideline for BPC using the WISER model. The book explains the BPC methodology with the five phases in detail. Interestingly, the book comes out with the evidence-based practice implementation case-evidenced BPC in the universities, the real life experiences as practical examples for illustrations. The readers could understand the WISER model, which can aid the strategic and project planning of the universities. The book provides the readers with tools and techniques, and the plan of actions that are utilised in the wake-up, identification, selection, execution and re-evaluation phases in the WISER model.

Business and Finance
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
Print price
Digital page
0 page
Publish date
29 January 2020