Mohan S Ramasamy
Mohan S Ramasamy
Technology, globalization and rising consumerism are impacting our lives, building all manner of stresses our parents and theirs never experienced. Our lifestyles have changed giving us very little time to focus on the real purpose of our lives. However, one thing remains which is the need to care for ourselves as well as those we love when illness or aging bodies interrupts our normal flow of life. This book by Mohan S Ramasamy is a must-read by all to take stock of our lives and if possible embrace the practices he advocates. It will put order in the chaos we experience on a daily basis. Most of all it greatly benefits those who are engaged in the difficult task of looking after someone. It takes the sting from the daily pressure of caring when we learn how to cope with the inevitable. It helps us find the balance we need so we remain grounded and useful to those we are looking after